from our shop in Folkestone or by post - details at foot of page
our own limited edition glass enamel badge
£12 (sorry, increase in cost!)
Badges by Philip Attwood,
96pp.pb. fully illustrated,
published in 2004 to accompany exhibition at British Museum
limited edition FOLKESTONE badge
(c.3cm diam.)
Button Power - 125 years of saying it with buttons by Hake and Carter,
hb. fully illustrated,
c.1930s celluloid on tin badge for Womens Section of British Legion,
(cracking to surface)
large nicely enamelled British Legion pin badge, c.1940s
WW2 RN sweetheart lucite heart brooch
Remembrance page for other wartime badges
unusual 1940's mother of pearl fob,
personal inscription Sheffield,
c.1930s Wilfredian League of Gugnuncs enamel badge
scarce brass Spitalfields market porter's token
round borough mkt £9
advertising coupon £9
red apple fruit pickers token £8
WW2 Royal Artillery perspex and applied brass sweetheart pendant
on silver chain
rare sterling silver and enamel women's AFS badge , pre-1940
(pin fitting)
enamelled GVl silver Royal Engineers sweetheart pin brooch
WW2 Spitfire fundraising buttonhole badge £18
1914-1918 Normandy /Cabourg
mother of pearl souvenir brooch
scarce 1940s enamelled buttonhole badge, Shipwrights & Shipbuilders Association,
Southern Metropolitan Gas Company clocking in tokens
£6 each
VIctory V morse code enamel badge
c.1940s on card
1935 silver hallmarked RoSPA safe driving medallion
c.1950s hallmarked silver Scottish Clan "Anderson" brooch
Heinz gherkin
novelty plastic badge produced for 1939 NY Worlds Fair
scarce pre-war Robertsons lemon shred enamel badge ( some wear)
WW1 enamelled brass buttonhole badge Comrades of the Great War,
(in very fine condition)
finely chased sterling silver bowls medallion,
no inscription,
six Vice Captain badges on original Fattorini card,
(or £15 each)
early 1950s perfect Prefect badge
£15 (lovely lettering)
French EF ski school badges
llTest International
Fleche Bronze
£15 each
scarce early 20th century Nurses Co-operation enamelled medallion,
dated 1913 on reverse
unusual Cape Cine Club enamelled brass badge
unusual 1950s David Whitehead Club enamel badge
English Paraplegic Sports Association enamelled chrome badge
1952/3 woven QE2 coronation button and ribbon
Les Routiers commissaire enamelled chrome badge
scarce 1974 GDR firefighters winners badge £25
1940s girl guide pixie pin badge
1966 silver hallmarked Rediffusion (TV) long service pin badge
silver gilt Life members APEX pin badge,
scarce Special Hospital Services cap badge (with lugs)
old WW2 civil defence 'Welfare' patch
c.1950s Musicians patch
old ski souvenir patch
old First Aid patch
£9 each
c.1970s enamelled chrome interski pin badge
hiking/mountaineering buttonhole badgesold
international tourism buttonhole badge £6
amateur swimming association silver standard enamelled badge
Institute of Advanced Motoring buttonhole badge
Coronation Scot enamelled badge
English table tennis umpire enamel buttonhole badge
(numbered on reverse)
1966 European table tennis championships enamel pin badge
enamelled Tennis schoold team badge
unusual pressed metal patriotic 'jubilee' buttonhole badge
rare 1951 Festival of Britain pleasure gardens Battersea badge
c.1950s Royal Empire Society companion enamel badge
PDSA guild member's pin badge
Shetland wool enamelled brass pin badge
c.1960s native American button badge,
(possibly retailed through Biba)
quality enamelled brass Italian ski resort badge,
c.3.5cms. high
and smaller one £160
scarce survivor
old Wall's uniform button
United Dairies
long service hallmarked sterling silver buttonhole badge, 1930s
scarce 1940s giltmetal 'Liberty Bell' stick pin badge,
inscribed 'on thou remember 1939 45'
c.1960s enamelled chrome London Underground pin badge
BBC Keep Fit enamelled chrome,
staff badge,
scarce enamelled cycling badge,
with inset bronzed medallion
scarce brass (weathered) Southern Railway uniform button
old Youth Hostel Association enamel badges pin fitting
International Youth Hostel Federation pin badge
scarce Puffin Books gold enamel founders member's badge, 1960's
scarce c.1940s Voluntary Land Club enamelled badge
Easter Rising Irish political enamelled badge commemorating James Connolly,
rare 1951 Festival of Britain Coventry Godiva Club (Diana Dors) enamelled chrome pin badge
original 1970s tin button badge for Anti-Nazi league
£10 each
1960s enamelled chrome railway orphanage loco badges
£9 each
and some scarcer examples
£15 each
International Dance Master Awards
pin badges (central bottom one sold)
£5 each
gold ballroom with red enamel £7
1914 League of Honour tin button badge
(standard cycling proficiency badge
old boy scout embroidered patches
£9 each
1965 enamelled Folkestone Racing Club enamelled brass fob,
on original cord,
(other dates c.1970s - 1980s available)
Folkestone race club card passes
£3.50 each
1958 Brussels Expo pendant fob
Shepway Harness Club card badges,
£4 each
1955 Lingfield Horse racing members badge
Foden trucks enamelled chrome buttonhole badge
Albion trucks enamel badge
scarce 1900 celluloid Salvation Army button badge ( with original printed reverse)
RH (possible school badge?) £5
Friends of St Paul's school enamel badge
1970s girl guide's hat covered with Folkestone patches and guiding sold
c.1940 Girl Guide promise enamelled brass pin badge
quality enamelled school badges
£10 each
Council enamelled badge
RNLI shoreline badge
scarce 1940's Hampshire & Dorset bus company lapel badge
scarce 1940s Hampshire & Dorset bus company cap button for 35 years service!
assorted 1980 Moscow Olympics souvenir pin badges,
£12 each
only centre bottom row Mischka bear available now.
large 1980 button badge Eurotaxi
St John ambulance awards medallion for 1953-1962
and enamel badge
scarce WW1 USA political button badges.
Labor Day ( ribbon detatched) (Whitehead & Hoag printed interior) £110
Votes for Women
original !940s Royal Naval badge
1940s RAF flag day fundraising pin
WW1 Queen Mary's Needlework Guild enamel pin badge
1932 Walsall Carnival shilling fund badge
early 1950s merchant navy bullion patch,
petite enamelled sterling GVl RAF 'wings
finely enamelled silver Royal Navyairfleet sweetheart pin brooch
1970s Golden Wonder Operation Survival (Wildlife) tin button badges,
£4 each
nice typographic Dolcis (shoes) enmelled chrome badge,
25 years service J.Sainsburys & Co.
buttonhole badge
Oldham ladies circle enamelled brass badge,£5
Norfolk W.I. gilt badge
Shropshire Womens institute enamel badge,
Dorset Country W.I. badge
unusual WI markets enamelled badge
W.I. Hampshire rose
scarce 19th century New Zealand copper grocer's token
unusual 1957 Festival of Women sponsors enamel badge
Iraq veteran enamel badge
scarce BOAC speedbird
enamelled hallmarked silver buttonhole
for 20 years service
unusual signalling flags enamelled pin badge 'stand by to assist me'
Federation of Scottish Aquarist Society enamel badge,
Kettering tropical fish enamelled badge.
scarce c.1930s Mint condition Penfold golfer enamel pin badge,
1980s Clarks Shoes commandos tin badges,
£6 each
Clarks lucky two-shoe club enamelled chrome badge,
Two enamelled Primrose League buttonhole badges
£12 each
bottom row £20 each sold
novelty plastic Wards Property keys!
Black power badges
£5 each
some sold - please enquire
1980s protest London Transport button badges
£5 each
(top and left badge now sold)
Atalanta 1996 Olympics enamelled pin
'The Olympic Woman'
badge (butterfly clasp)
Eastbourne Rovers Cycling and Athletic Club pendant,
inscribed J.Woods on reverse
The Woodland Trust enamel badge
unusual Ancient order of Foresters Chatham High Court 1938 enamelled badge,
assorted 1980s political button badges,
£4 each
(some sold and others available - please enquire)
scarce c.1900 sweet caporal flag celluloid badge 'Paraguay' ( with printed reverse)
c.1980s SNP button badge
unusual finely modelled brass St George slaying the dragon
scarce 1970s Dodo Designs 'groovy' button badges,
£25 each
scarce 1980s original Apple computers button badge
c.5.5cms. diam.